Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A fudgepacking backing

I waited as long as I could. A week, now maybe ten days. Not a sound, not a ping, a blip, not a damned peep. Nothing.

Gene Robinson, the Episcopal Bishop of gayland "church", endorsed Mr. HUSSEIN Obama for president of the US. So where, oh fucking where, are all the leftist douchebags screaming about separation if church and state?

Heck, where's the admonishment from The Magic Negro himself? Countless times he's stood up for the removal of all good and holy, but now when a wolf in sheeps clothing wants to use his "church" to back him (Because of, Mr. Robinson explains, his view of "the issues" and his "background", meaning he loves sodomy and baby killing, amongst other blights on society) and all is silent on the leftist front.

Yes, I understand, it was outside the "church" building. Semantics like that would never work if the shoe were on the other foot.

Now, obviously the sodomite king is going to back whomever will give him the best shot at future blaspheme of God's word and access to his live-in boyfriends rectum. I mean, who the hell do you think he really represents? A hint: It's not God.

You've all seen the asshairs at Kos and the other lefty sites screaming about the necessary death to all forms of religion, and yet, not one single peep when a mouthpiece of perversion in vestments backs one of their own.

The silence of the hypocrisy is deafening.