Monday, May 21, 2007

Of goats and sheep

The bread which you do not use is the bread of the hungry.

The garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of him who is naked.

The shoes that you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot.

The money that you keep locked away is the money of the poor.

The acts of charity that you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit.

-St. Basil the great

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Reconstruction and Stabilization Civilian Management Act of 2007

Does that title bother you? It damned well should! See, you, as a civilian, will be "managed".
If you think it sounds ominous, read it. If your kids are in a public school, get them out NOW!
This should bother the hell out of you. I mean, there's a lot there, but focus on that school lockdown thing. What are you going to do? Try hard enough to get in, you'll get arrested, or take one in the brain, your choice. So, with TPTB having your children, you're going to sit down and shut your mouth, and play reeeeaal nice.
Maybe you ought to see what your local school board has to say, hmm?